Manufacture Inspection in the word


                                    Manufacturing Inspection

Manufacturing inspection is super important to ensure that your supplier is manufacturing within the standards, instructions, adopted in manufacturing, ensuring that the base materials and instruments are as determined for the manufacture of the equipment. Verifying the conformity of production processes, witnessing and recording the tests applied are effectively being carried out in accordance with the adopted standards

                 Inspection During Production (due diligence)

Another very important factor is deadlines and costs, material receipt inspection, material traceability, welding execution parameters, inspectors, technicians and engineers qualified by entities such as CWI, NACE, ASNT….
And if it is being carried out and if records are in accordance with the procedures in Brazil.

This inspection and due diligence checks: If the raw materials are compliant, if manufacturing is within pre-agreed deadlines, if the quality of services and their records, if packaging and packaging are within international shipping and assisted shipping standards in accordance with other standards. requirements defined by the customer.

We operate in China in Shanghai, Beijing, Nantong, Tianjin, Mozambique, Canada , United States, India and Germany.

19 988360456
19 987505518



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